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Mayor Letter to Residents


December 29, 2023

Dear City of Finlayson Residents:

Most of you know by now that our entire government has turned over this past year. Two newly elected council members took office last January and this past summer the Clerk resigned and Shelly Goodman was hired as our new Clerk. By October all three of the veteran council members resigned with new members, including myself, appointed in mid-October to serve out those terms that end next year. In late October the city maintenance worker resigned and Randy Millner was hired to fill that position. During this year of instability, we have been fortunate to have our deputy clerk, Dawn Tasler, as a steady hand to keep the city on course. All of us are new and have a tremendous amount to discover and learn. We can only promise to be fair, transparent and give our best effort. We ask for your patience and support as we begin this new year.

One thing that has already been learned is that inflationary pressures have caused expenses to outpace our income during the past few years. Substantial increases in our auditor's services, upgrades in our water plant, repairs to equipment, overruns in street repairs and snow removal and a new bar/liquor store and fireball in 2017 have all had impacts on the city budget. This was recognized by the Council back in September when they set a preliminary levy increase of7.8% that was certified at our December meeting. Thankfully, we have several new homes that will help to temper the tax burden in the years ahead. Our bar and liquor store continues to be a source of steady income for our city. The Council made a gesture of empathy by reducing stipends for Council meetings by 50% through all of 2024.

Another area of concern is the need to update our Comprehensive Plan which is now 20 years old. That document defines what our citizens would like Finlayson to look like now and in the future. The Council depends on both the Plan and an ongoing Planning Committee to guide our decisions related to zoning, recreation, building, and all other services. Please consider serving on the Planning Committee. Call or visit Shelly at City Hall (320) 233-6472 so we can get this vital committee working.

Building community is everyone's responsibility. Get to know your neighbors - many new folks have moved in and need to be welcomed. Come to meetings, voice your opinions and volunteer to help at events. The Finlayson-Giese Lion's Club, operates the local community center, pull-tabs and bingo, providing scholarships to graduating seniors and other local functions totaling almost $46,000. The Finlayson Community Club organizes our Fourth of July celebration, Trunk or Treat, Santa Days, decorations and is working on restoring the Historic Depot. Consider joining these efforts and "Thank you" if you are already helping. Contact them through their Facebook pages or by calling Sonia Fales (515) 554-9275 (Lion's Club) and Greg Sorenson at (218) 393-0413 (Community Club).

I am confident that together we will continue to make Finlayson a GREAT place to be. On behalf of the Council and City Staff I wish you a healthy, safe and Happy New Year.

Dave Auchter, Mayor (612) 390-6640