Fire Department
The City of Finlayson Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department's mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life for all citizens and visitors from the adverse effects of natural and man-made emergencies. Our goal is to provide a protection program through a cost-efficient approach to emergency response, fire code application and public fire education.
On February 16th, 1948, Ordinance #26 was adopted by the Council to establish the Finlayson Fire Department and setting the corner stone for today’s Finlayson Fire and Rescue.
Fire Chief: Wyatt Lucht
Asst. Chief: Bill Morgan
Captain: John Linden & Russell Lucht
Finlayson Fire and Rescue is in a Mutual Aid Agreement with various Pine and Aitkin County Fire Departments. The purpose of this agreement is to assure, whenever possible, cooperation between the various fire departments serving the following municipal corporations and communities located within Pine County: Askov, Brook Park, Bruno, Duxbury, Hinckley, Kerrick, McGrath, Pine City, Sandstone, Sturgeon Lake, Willow River.
Finlayson Fire & Rescue also contracts Fire Protection and First Responder Service for adjoining townships: Bremen, Finlayson, Kettle River, Pine Lake, in Pine County; Williams and Wagner Township in Aitkin County.
Fire Call (first two hours) $650.00
Fire Call (per additional hour) $250.00
Service Call per hour for False Alarm 1st offense - No Charge
False Alarm or malfunction within 30 days 2nd offense - $325.00 per hour
3rd offense - $650.00 per hour
4,001 gallons or more per load $50.00
Foam per gallon $50.00
Miscellaneous supplies (damaged tools) Replacement Cost
Heavy equipment for extinguishing fire Contractor Rate
Wildland Fires Billed per DNR Rate
*Homeowner/Occupant is responsible for prompt payment. Failure to pay will result in the invoice being assessed to property taxes. Homeowner/Occupant is also responsible for payment if any equipment is called in to assist with demo, if necessary. Any contractor requested for demo must hold a $1,000,000 insurance bond.
**Finlayson Fire and Rescue holds a 7 rating for insurance**
If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911.

Finlayson Fire Hall
Finlayson Fire & Rescue
2220 Finland Ave
Finlayson , Minnesota 55735